

2019年5月24日,成外高新第27期英语演讲“Principal Making the Campus Shine”开讲。这次演讲是该话题的最后一轮演讲,演讲者们争取机会,上台发表演说。精彩的演讲赢得了观众们的掌声和喝彩。

高2017级1班 廖培智

First, I would build a beautiful garden. Everyone can go to be relaxed when they were tired. Because I think the good mood is good for our health and study.


高2017级7班 江俊霖

If I were the headmaster, I would let my students have a youth with happiness because the school is the place where dreams originate.


高2017级11班 李香莹

I would do my best to create a united, respectful, and friendly learning atmosphere.


高2017级12班 游磊颖

Actually, it’s said that the true freedom is under the law and the rule. If I were the headmaster, there could be some rules that students can’t quit. Although they might hate me, I still think I am doing the right thing for the students’ future.


2017级1班 根绒达瓦

The fourth, as a human being, we need social ability, and about how to handle interpersonal relation. So I think I would hold a party every month in school, and require every student to join in.


2017级1班 王博

The second thing I wanted to do is that I would hold more helpful activities which cannot only motivate students but also build friendship among students. As time flies, I really cherish my high school life.

第二, 我想多举办一些有意义的活动来增强学生之间的友谊。随着时间流逝,我真的非常珍惜我的高中生活。

2017级1班 李泊均

First of all, I would take steps to enrich the varieties of sports in no time, from swimming to rugby. I’m convinced that the more kinds of sports exist, the more joy students can acquire.


2017级8班 宋思桥

As a principal what I should do is to support my students and help them to become better people.


2017级9班 傅菀颜

If it is necessary to choose an occupation, being a principal would be my last choice.


2017级10班 杨邦晟

If I were the headmaster,I would speak less and do more meaningful things for students, teachers and the society, making the campus shine



