2019年10月9日下午,成都外国语学校高新校区迎来了第32期英语演讲角,本次演讲以Learn to walk before you can run (《跑之前,请先学会走》)为主题。来自高2019级6班的杨蕴涵,8班的徐玉洁,9班的刘光一,10班的耿翰林,12班的刘思远,14班的吉涵琪共6名同学参加了此次演讲。本次演讲角活动由高一14班吉涵琪同学担任主持人。各位演讲者通过精心的准备,声情并茂地向各位观众们展示了做任何事情之前都必须要脚踏实地,而后方可仰望星空的道理,赢得现场观众们阵阵掌声。
高一6班 杨蕴涵
Wang Xianzhi believed that only through hard work and persistence can he achieve a great work, so he made up his mind to practice with a patient and tranquil heart. After some time, he finally had the pride to say he had become a good calligrapher as his father.
高一8班 徐玉洁
Similarly, before we can write a long and beautiful article, we have to master a large number of vocabulary, first, making them into sentences, and then we are able to have a brilliant essay. It is necessary to put theory into practice now. Just like what people said: creep before you walk. Learn to walk before you can run. It’s worth it even you need to walk a long time until you can run.
高一9班 刘光一
As an old saying goes, “Rome wasn’t built in one day.” A building which is strong or not depends on whether its foundation is deep or not, so learn to walk before you can run and start preparing for your future now. If you fail again and again, don’t worry about it and remember to keep trying because you will never know when you are able to run.
高一10班 耿翰林
There is no shortcut on the way of study. We must learn from the basis. It’s just like climbing a mountain. No matter how tall the mountain is, we should start from the foot of it, step by step, and in the end, we will reach the mountain top. In our learning process, we should set a goal. On the way to achieve it, we should also have a step each time. When we mount a step, we will be closer to our goal. Hang on this and you will reach your goal finally.
高一12班 刘思远
My friends, each of us is a walker now and far from the runner. But please remember that life is like a piece of field which is covered by newly fallen snow. Each step we take will be shown on it.
高一14班 吉涵琪
Don’t you think learning to walk before you can run can pave the way for your success? The fact we should know is that along the road of achieving our dreams, we must accomplish a lot of small targets. If we complete those targets by ourselves and keep doing it, we can possess the ability of learning how to run. For the sake of our bright future, we must keep our feet on the ground to get our dreams achieved.