2019年9月25日下午,成都外国语学校高新校区第31期英语演讲角以I’m better than you imagine (我比你想象的更优秀) 为主题开讲。本次活动在学校孔子广场举行,来自高2019级1班的刘承俊,3班的徐艺格、杨可欣,12班的任芷仪,14班的宋檠佳,15班的赵茂伶共6名同学参加了此次演讲。本次演讲角活动由高一15班的赵茂伶同学担任英语主持。各位演讲者通过充分准备的讲稿自信地向在场的同学们展示了如何用自己与他人的不同去重新定义自己,呼吁大家从生活中的点滴去反思、改变自己。他们的真诚赢得了现场师生的掌声和肯定。
主持人:高一15班 赵茂伶同学
高一1班 刘承俊
Now I’ll talk about studying attitude. I think most of the students here might copy others’ homework in the past, right? Have you ever thought about
what makes you do that? You can’t do that? No, that’s because you’re lazy, and you do not want to do the homework. Gradually, you will not pass the
exam in the end.
高一3班 徐艺格
People always deny themselves before they doing things. They don’t know that they are better than they imagine. If someday, you don’t believe that you can do a thing well before you do it. Please look at the mirror, put your hand on your left breast and tell yourself: “ I’m better than you imagine.”
高一3班 杨可欣
When we get older, we tend not to be good at all the subjects and then we say that the best thing to do is to be well-rounded. We seem to ignore our shiny points which are the most important.
高一12班 任芷仪
We always underestimate our own ability. When pressure comes, we often discover that we are better than we imagine. So why should we be down to
the dust? Stop letting others define you, define yourself! Because we are braver than others believe, stronger than others see, and smarter than others
高一14班 宋檠佳
The path of our life is unlimited. We are definitely gonna do everything better than what other people imagine, that is because we are unique and irreplaceable. Thinking out of the box can make us different.
高一15班 赵茂伶
I was like a lost boat drifting on the sea. Until one day I was told, “If you don’t work hard, what you lose is nothing
but your life”. It was not until then that I found my direction. I should trust myself because I am the creator of hope.
我如同一艘迷航的船飘荡在无垠的大海上。直到一天,有人对我说, “如果你整天浑浑噩噩,你的一生都将葬送在你手上。” 直到那一刻,我才找到了人生的方向。我应该相信我自己,因为只有我能为自己点亮希望之光。